
The Positive Side of Medicine

Boost Your Health With a Sweet Treat!

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Boost Your Health With a Sweet Treat!

This recipe is not only creative and delicious but also healthy and organic, so in other words it is a super food disease-kicking dessert and it tastes amazing!

All you need is:

• 1/2 cup coconut oil
• 3 Tablespoons raw organic cacao ( Dark Chocolate )
• 1-2 teaspoons natural stevia
• Pinch of Sea or Himalayan salt (optional)
• Strawberries, hulled (it can be any other fruit you like, kiwi is awesome)

strawberry chocolate

Ok, preparation is really easy, first melt the coconut oil and mix it with the raw cacao, stevia and salt.
Pour the mix into an ice cube tray and add a strawberry to each. Freeze for an hour and transfer the chocolates to a bigger container. Enjoy your healthy packed-with-health-benefits sweet treat!

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