
The Positive Side of Medicine

3 Foods That Can Help With Depression

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3 Foods That Can Help With Depression

3 Foods That Can Help With Depression

It does not say cure depression, it says help with. When people are depressed they often reach for comfort foods, like candy, chips, ice cream, and chocolate. Nutritionists say this is the wrong answer, eating these foods can help alleviate symptoms, plus there is an added bonus of feeling good about doing something proactive for your health.

1) Nuts and Seeds, they are a great source of magnesium, which helps produce serotonin, which helps you feel good. Some examples include: cashews, pumpkin seeds, sunflowers seeds, almonds, and peanuts


2) Ancient grains, which are complex carbohydrates, they take longer to digest which helps stabilize blood sugars, which helps stabilize your mood. Added bonus, they are full of fiber, which helps you feel full longer. Some examples include: amaranth, millet, quinoa, spelt, barley, and teff

3) Green tea, technically a drink, not a food, rich in amino acid L-theanine which can help improve focus while calming the body

Knowing what to eat for your body produces great long-term effects, it helps to resolve feelings of helplessness or powerlessness against the disease that is hurting you, always do the best you can.

Depression Natural treatments:

Depression is a prolonged feeling of unhappiness and despondency, often magnified by a major life event such as bereavement, divorce, or retirement.
Many women experience depression after childbirth, clinical depression is also a genuine illness which overwhelms the sufferer so that he or she feels a hopelessness, dejection, and fear out of all proportion to any cause. Someone who is depressed may contemplate or attempt suicide. Some of the most common symptoms are: slow speech, poor concentration, confusion and irritability, self-accusation and loss of self-esteem, insomnia and early-morning waking, a feeling of emptiness and despair, loss of appetite and sexual desire… Continue Reading

12 Signs of Depression in Men

Did you know more than 5 million men in the U.S. alone experience depression each year?

Clinical depression can cause sadness and a loss of interest in once pleasurable activities. While the symptoms used to diagnose depression are the same regardless of gender, often the chief complaint can be different between men and women… Continue Reading

Last Edited Sep 2nd 2014

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