
The Positive Side of Medicine

PositiveMed Yeast Fast: Guidelines

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PositiveMed Yeast Fast: Guidelines

As I was doing research into wheat and wheat allergies to determine guidelines I learned a few things I did not know, so the guidelines will be stricter than what we have done before to make it effective. Many people are going gluten-free these days, I really don’t feel that’s necessary unless you are allergic or have celiac disease.

The thing is, the bad yeast, candida albacans, the one that causes us to feel bloated and miserable and robs our bodies of iron and other essential nutrients, thrives on sugar. Regular yeast, such as found in bread and beer, is a great source of B12 and folic acid. On the other hand, if a person has a compromised immune system, or chronic candida infection, breads and even wild yeasts may make it worse.

For this fast the only type allowed will be those that naturally occur in the making of yogurt and kefir, these are probiotic and beneficial to the digestive process. Other forms of yeast make the system more acidic, which can promote symptoms like fatigue, headaches, eczema, dandruff, cradle cap in babies, hormone imbalances, jock itch, stomach upsets and foggy thinking.

Foods to Avoid:

  • Sugars
  • Wheat
  • Dairy (except yogurt and kefir)
  • Glutinous grains
  • All processed foods
  • Alcohol, yes wine too

If it looks too hard please do not panic and run, try it for 3 days instead of 7 if you wish, at least try and see how you feel. The nice thing about this is that you should feel better within 48 hours. We will be starting next Monday Feb. 4 and going until Sunday, if you have your Valentine’s dinner in that time go ahead and celebrate and then go back to the fast. It’s only for 7 days, you can do anything for 7 days!! I believe in you!

I would like everyone who does this to check in at least once a day, the 2 pm CST status will be about the yeast fast during the whole thing. Tomorrow I will come up with some sample menu ideas to use. We can do this, it will be a learning and growth experience that may possibly shrink our bellies some!!

Sources: http://bodyecology.com/articles/nutritional_yeast_what_you_need_to_know.php#.UQmEJvJ1OSo


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