
The Positive Side of Medicine

Are Infant Reflux Drugs Worth the Risks?

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Are Infant Reflux Drugs Worth the Risks?

Parents are increasingly likely to put their newborn children on anti-reflux drugs that keep them from spitting up when they cry. In fact, the number of babies prescribed acid suppression drugs such as H2 blockers and PPIs has been increased 8-fold from 2002 to 2009, but less than 1 in 10 of them received any diagnostic testing for GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease). Many pediatricians now believe that the “epidemic” of infant GERD cases is false and is actually due to over-diagnosis. Surprisingly, clinical trials showed that acid blockers are not more effective than a placebo and can actually lead to short term and long term side effects. Check out this infographic to learn more:

Are Infant Reflux Drugs Worth the Risks? – An infographic by the team at Colic Calm

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