Good afternoon, I am a former caregiver. I recently lost my husband after a long and arduous 15 year battle with Alzheimer’s disease. Please allow me to share information regarding our grassroots campaign for a fundraising stamp for Alzheimer’s research. After reading this, I hope you will contact your representatives AND share this information with others in your community. Together, we CAN make a difference and change the trajectory of this disease. Thank you.
On behalf of the 5.4 million Americans with Alzheimer’s and other dementias, and those yet to be diagnosed, I am asking you to please HELP STAMP OUT ALZHEIMER’S! Every 68 seconds another American is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. First described in 1906, it remains a fatal disease with no known cure or prevention. One out of 8 Americans age 65 and older will be affected by this disease. In May 2011 resolutions were introduced to create a postage stamp (like the Breast Cancer research stamp which has raised over $73 million to defeat Breast Cancer) that would raise money for Alzheimer’s research. The Alzheimer’s stamp is a highly symbolic & therefore important piece of legislation that would allow ordinary citizens to show their support for individuals and families impacted by this devastating disease. Most importantly, it would help raise much needed funds for medical research through the voluntary purchase of postage stamps. This is the 4th time this resolution has been introduced in the House and the 3rd time in the Senate. Without congressional cosponsors, these resolutions will die in committee and not make it to the floor for a vote. We have very little time to accomplish this!
Please call the US Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121 and ask to speak to your Congressman and Senators (Check the link below to identify who they are.) and tell them we are counting on their support for the “semipostal” stamp and want them to SIGN ON AS COSPONSORS to House Res. 351 and Senate Res. 176. AND call the Alzheimer’s Association’s Advocacy/Public Policy office at 202-393-7737 to ask them to SUPPORT THESE RESOLUTIONS! Thank you.
I’ve also created a facebook page. Full details can be found by clicking the “About” link on my FB page:
Lynda E.