
The Positive Side of Medicine

A Healthier Way of Working With Intelligent Monitors

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A Healthier Way of Working With Intelligent Monitors

PHILIPS’S ERGOSENSOR, a newly designed computer monitor which came to the European markets last month is an intelligent monitor that tracks your movement behind the desk and corrects your posture. It also suggests a break time, based on the movement of your pupils. Since we sit at least one third of our time, this device is the latest breakthrough technology to make us healthier behind desk. According to a recent study published in March 2012 from the University of Melbourne, those aged 45 or older who spend 11 hours sitting are 40% more likely to die in the next three years!

The good news is that the price of this monitor is only $294, which is a bargain price for this technology. It’s not disclosed that when this device will come to the western hemisphere.

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