
The Positive Side of Medicine

What You Should Know About Waist Training

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What You Should Know About Waist Training

Set A Fat Loss Goal

This may seem like an obvious statement, but it’s an essential one because most people quit their exercise routines due to lack of focus. According to MedlinePlus, the recommended weight loss is 2 lbs a week, which means roughly burning 1000 calories a day. Diet and exercise are the only ways to lose weight and tone muscles, so plan how many calories you want to burn from each. If you burn 700 calories from your workout, then you need to eliminate 300 calories from your diet. It’s that simple.

Waist Training

Cardio Training

Cardio trims your waistline. Rotate between low intensity workout, such as walking, and high intensity workouts, jogging, running, sprints, to see the most results. A 2008 study by the American College of Sport Medicine’s “Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise” journal found that interval training burned more abdominal fat than standard cardio.

Core Training

More importantly, you need to incorporate exercise designed for your body’s core.

Crunches are the most frequently recommended exercise for abdominal muscles. The American Council on Exercise found that bicycle crunches are particularly effective because they combine several muscle groups. By lifting your leg into your body and meeting the knee with the opposite elbow, you’re working out your obliques, upper abs, and lower abs.
Another great exercise is the squat and twist. With feet shoulder length apart, lower your body into the standard squat position. Make sure your knees don’t pass your toes and your buttocks is sticking out past your heels. Contract your core muscles and rotate to both the right and left. Two sessions per week will deliver results.

One more way to slim that waist line is to use corset training. As the name suggests, you take a corset, or corset like band, and tighten it around your waist until it’s snug but not constricting. Corset training can be dangerous if taken to extremes, though. The process puts pressure on the stomach, ribs, and lungs because fat and muscle are rearranged within your body, not eliminated. If unchecked, corset training can do damage to bones as well. But corsets offer an immediate change in body shape, which makes it appealing, and the process isn’t new; it’s been around since the 19th century. Research the topic carefully before trying it.

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