
The Positive Side of Medicine

6 Unusual Uses For the Dishwashing Soap That You Didn’t Know About

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6 Unusual Uses For the Dishwashing Soap That You Didn't Know About

6 Unusual Uses For the Dishwashing Soap That You Didn’t Know About

That soapy solution on your sink or in your kitchen cabinet called dishwashing liquid can be used for many tasks besides just cleaning dishes. Typical dishwashing liquid is made from water, surfactants that break up grease, phosphates that remove mineral deposits in water that interfere with cleaning, dyes, thickeners and fragrances. These ingredients can be used for a host of purposes.

6 Unusual Uses For the  Dishwashing Soap, That You Didn't Know About1

Eco-Friendlier Weedkiller
Those weeds that pop up between sidewalks and paving stones are annoying and unsightly. Instead of buying expensive herbicide that hurt the environment, use a more environmentally friendly weedkiller of 1 teaspoon dishwashing liquid, 1 cup salt mixed in one gallon of vinegar. Spray the solution liberally on the weeds and allow to dry. The weeds will be dead by the next day.

Plant Insect Killer
Those aphids and whiteflies that attack your outdoor plants can be stopped in their tracks with homemade insect killer. Mix up a solution of 1 teaspoon of dishwashing liquid, 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil and a cup of water. Pour into a spray bottle and give your plants a light layer to choke off the insects making a meal of your garden.

Stainless Steel Appliance Cleaner
Cleaning products for stainless steel appliances can take a bite out of the household budget. You can save those extra dollars for something more enjoyable by making your own stainless appliance cleaner by mixing a paste of a small amount of baking soda and a few drops of dishwashing liquid. Mix well and apply with a nylon scrubber or old toothpaste. Rinse well. Never use abrasive powders or steel wool on the surface.

Garage Floor Grease-Cutting
If you have grease or oil stains on your garage floor, cover the stain with a layer of dishwashing liquid and leave on overnight. In the morning, add water and scrub the spot to easily remove the dirt and grease. Rinse thoroughly.

Hair De-Greaser
If using too many haircare products has left your hair feeling heavy and greasy, wash it a small amount of dishwashing liquid to remove all traces of grease and chemical residue. It will leave your hair feeling light and fresh.

Handy Lubricant
Dishwashing liquid can be used as a convenient and clean lubricant for squeaky doors and other hinges. Simply add a drop or two and work into the hinge by moving it back and forth. It will quicken a noisy hinge and loosen a stuck hinge.

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