
The Positive Side of Medicine

Signs & Symptoms That You Could Have a Heart Attack Next Month

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Signs & Symptoms That You Could Have a Heart Attack Next Month

Signs & Symptoms That You Could Have a Heart Attack Next Month

Dizziness and Cold Sweats

Having unusual episodes of dizziness and/or cold sweats may be a clue that a heart attack is on the way. When blood flow is restricted to the brain because of poor cardiac circulation, dizziness and clamminess may occur, especially when an individual gets up suddenly.

Chest Discomfort

As the coronary artery becomes more restrictive to blood flow, the lack of oxygen to the heart muscle causes discomfort. As the narrowing progresses, the pain may also increase until a complete MI occurs.

What Should Be Done?

Studies have shown that men and women often experience the signs and symptoms of an impending heart attack very differently. Unfortunately, many women have much more subtle symptoms that they may choose to dismiss until it is too late. If any of the above warning signs are experienced, women should visit their physician for a complete workup that should include:

Blood tests for inflammatory markers
Exercise ECG
Chest CT
Angiogram when serious indicators are found

Most importantly, women who know that they are experiencing something unusual in their bodies should insist on testing, especially when a family history of heart disease is present. Many individuals are sent home from emergency rooms with a diagnosis of anxiety and later return suffering from a fully blown heart attack.

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