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10 Minute Ab Workout To Get Six-Pack Abs!

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10 Minute Ab Workout To Get Six-Pack Abs!

Effectively get your six-pack abs started with ten minutes of intense core exercises. Learn how to get a flat stomach and lose weight at the same time with this quick, intense, and effective workout!


10 minutes Ab workout



The exercise routine is as follows, repeat each move for 30 seconds:

1. Leg Drops

2. Flutter Kicks

3. Scissor Kicks

4. Mountain Climbers

5. V-Crunches

6. Alternating Toe Touches

7. Russian Twists

8. Plank

9. Side Plank

10. Other Side Plank

Repeat all the above exercises again!

These exercises are designed to work your lowers abs and will tone your entire midsection, ultimately giving you the six-pack of your dreams! Follow the video below and let us know what you thought!


Edited 9/19/14 SCD

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