
The Positive Side of Medicine


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Loving Pain

“I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love.” Mother Teresa Many situations

Quotes For You

I gave you my heart,

I gave you my heart, I gave you my soul, I gave up everything. Now its time to let go.

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Fries and Strawberries

Just a gentle reminder while we are urging people to live without fast food for a week, for one small order of fries you can


Why Do You Kiss With Your Eyes Closed?

Why Do You Kiss With Your Eyes Closed? [nextpage title=”…”] Let’s begin at the beginning. Why would anyone kiss in the first place?As it turns

love & life

we always wanted to grow up…

As a child, we always wanted to grow up. But now we realize that broken toys and lost pencils were much better than broken hearts

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