Double Your Detox With This Powerful Water

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Double Your Detox With This Powerful Water

There are many ways to detox yourself; diets and juicing, are just a start, and they are perfect to get your health back on track after vacations. If you really want to flush out all the toxins drink lots and lots of water, but if you want to intensify the power of plain water, you can add a little flavor as well with these delicious but especially detoxifying additions.

Add the following natural ingredients to a large pitcher of water and drink throughout the next day accompanied by your detox diet for more effective results:

Lemon: Lemon juice helps to cleanse and alkalize the body for a powerful detox drink

Mint: Mint helps settle your stomach and aids in digestion as well

Cucumber: Cucumber makes for excellent rehydration, and cucumber contains anti-inflammatory properties

Ginger: This spicy root helps clean out your system, aids in digestion, and settles your stomach

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