
The Positive Side of Medicine

Flat Belly Smoothie Recipes

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Flat Belly Smoothie Recipes

Drink yourself to a flat belly with this delicious smoothie

Smoothies are a great breakfast option. When made right, they’re full of fiber, protein, and antioxidants. But how about a smoothie that goes a step further and helps reduce belly fat? It may sound too good to be true, but our flat-belly smoothie recipe is full of ingredients proven to help slim the stomach and reduce bloating. The recipe is under 300 calories and is a great source of protein, fiber, and vitamins C and A. Make this part of your everyday routine and you’ll be on the way to a slimmer you by Summer!


This deliciously sweet smoothie packed with ingredients that fight belly fat and reduce bloating is the best way to start your mornings, and the best part is you will get a boost of energy for the entire morning for less than 300 calories.

Flat Belly Smoothie Recipes

All you need is:

3 ounces vanilla Greek yogurt: recipe provides a good amount of calcium and protein, both of which can aid in weight loss

1 tablespoon almond butter: almonds are high in protein, fiber, and monounsaturated fats, which keeps you feeling full for longer

1/2 cup frozen blueberries: which have been shown to help diminish belly fat

1/2 cup frozen pineapple: which contains an enzyme that helps ease digestion and banish bloat

1 cup kale: which is full of fiber to prevent constipation

3/4 cup water: water to help clean you out


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