
The Positive Side of Medicine

Bottle Tower Gardens

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Bottle Tower Gardens

This amazing video shows the efficiency and sustainability of what to do and how to do a bottle tower garden.

They can be installed against the wall of a house or along a hedge or a fence so there are no excuses of space. Its a great idea, especially for people without access to a yard, they can grow a fair bit on their balcony. The number of bottle towers has to be adapted for providing food security all year long and year after year, so you’re eating extremely healthy without damaging your wallet.
Its a method applicable anywhere on earth, both in rural and in urban areas and can be applied at the lowest cost to alleviate malnutrition and hunger.

Bottle Tower Gardens
He explains that the first soil mix in the bottles is local dirt mixed with manure, he leaves the rootball of the vegetables and the harvest in the bottle. Those organic parts are gradually decomposing and adding to a good organic/mineral ratio, and leaves the soil in the bottles and grow vegetables again on the same bottles in the next year.
It is a very productive and efficient technique which has helped many families and organic farmers over the years. A great idea to try at home, and a perfect alternative to support good health, eat more from the earth and less from the box.

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