
The Positive Side of Medicine

Colored lip gloss

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Colored lip gloss

The thinnest skin on your entire body is on your lips, in fact, they have just three layers of cells compared to the 16 layers on most your face. Since your lips have neither sweat nor oil glands, they dry out easily and need lots of TLC to keep them soft, especially since they are often exposed to sun, wind and other irritants, but luckily there are a number of easy, natural ways to keep lips soft. Here is an idea to look amazing yet protect your lips at the same time:

colored lip gloss
All you need is:
2 Tablespoons coconut oil
1 Tablespoon almond oil
1 Tablespoon beeswax
1 Tablespoon cocoa butter
1 pinch pearl-luster pigment
1-2 drops of red food coloring (optional)


Melt the oils, wax, and cocoa butter together in a double boiler and stir. Stir in the pearl-luster pigment and the food coloring. Put into a small container to cool. Apply as needed.

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