
The Positive Side of Medicine

Benefits of Bee Pollen

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Benefits of Bee Pollen

Benefits of Bee Pollen:

 Bee pollen is food for baby bees, it is made by bees, and is a dynamic foodstuff rich in protein, amino acids, vitamins, and folic acid. It is available at health food stores, some larger grocery chains, and online, you could also contact a local beekeeper. It is available in its raw form and in supplement tablets. You should not supplement with bee pollen if you are allergic to bee stings.

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Benefits of bee pollen include, but are not limited to:
Treatment of asthma and allergies (unless, of course, you are allergic to bee stings!)
Energy Enhancement
Constipation or Diarrhea
Topically for skin smoothing (psoriasis and eczema)
Addiction recovery (curbs impulses and reduces cravings)
Boosts immune system
$e*u@l problems
Support of cardiovascular system (anti-clotting properties , cholesterol, and strengthening of blood vessel walls)
Benign prostate problems
Rheumatism and arthritis (anti-inflammatory properties)

benefits of Bee pollen

Granules of varying colors are your best source of natural raw bee pollen, heat destroys many of the health benefits so make sure it has not been heat processed. Natural raw honey is also a good source of bee pollen. Your bee pollen is most effective when taken in the morning with fruit. Whether you refer to it as a food or a supplement there are huge benefits to your health made by our busy bees, it is a totally natural super-food!

[Check Price of Fresh Bee Pollen Whole Granules on Amazon]

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Sources: http://foodmatters.tv/articles-1/10-amazing-health-benefits-of-bee-pollen

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