
The Positive Side of Medicine

How to Do Bedtime Yoga For Better Sleep

How to Do Bedtime Yoga For Better Sleep

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Bedtime yoga, or practicing yoga before bed will benefit your sleep in many ways. The mind and body are working every minute of the day. As bedtime approaches, it is beneficial to release the stress and tension from the body, relax the mind and enjoy quiet yoga. The stimulatory effect yoga has on the nervous system, and in particular the brain.

How to Do Bedtime Yoga For Better Sleep

Often, we have trouble falling asleep because the mind is still going, but the practice of breathing allows for more oxygen in the body providing clarity in the mind. A relaxed session of yoga helps to calm the body, mind, and spirit. This helps to quiet the constant thought patterns that can rob you of sleep.

You will have a more restful sleep because of the relaxing aspect of yoga and the subsequent relieving of stress, tension, and fatigue and you will wake up every morning ready to go instead of wishing you could stay in bed. Combine yoga with a short meditation practice to enhance this benefit.

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