
The Positive Side of Medicine

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Find something you’re passionate about

Find something you’re passionate about and stay tremendously interested in it.
~Julia Child

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Foods that Create and Eliminate Mucus

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7 Beauty-Boosting Supplements

SUPPLEMENTS: 1. Fern extract: -Antioxidant supplements, they show a remarkable anti-inflammatory effect in skin tissue. Chronic inflammation appears to contribute to both cancer and wrinkle

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Gingko Biloba: It Can Change Your Life

Gingko Biloba: It Can Change Your Life By: Andres Carvajal Edited By: Stephanie Dawson Gingko Biloba is one of the most ancient trees on the

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Home made Remedy For Acne ( Banana Peel )

Before you go to any store to buy some chemical acne treatments, visit first your kitchen cupboards or grocery store for some nice organic bananas,

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