7 Bad Habits That Make Thyroid Problems Worse
Seven Signs Your Diet is Ruining Your Thyroid Gland One of the most commonly feared ailments that anyone can experience is a low functioning thyroid
The Positive Side of Medicine
Seven Signs Your Diet is Ruining Your Thyroid Gland One of the most commonly feared ailments that anyone can experience is a low functioning thyroid
4 Surprising Healthy Foods That Are Messing with A Man’s Sperm Despite these foods being considered healthy, they are not good for your sperm. To
“Ask yourself- Why do I want what I want? The answers to this question are the foundation of all your success and motivation.” -Daniel Chidiac-
7 Non Yogurt Snacks That Improve DigestionBy PositiveMed-TeamEdited By Stephanie Dawson • Whole GrainsWhole grain foods like whole wheat bread, brown rice, and oats help
Avocado…more than Guacamole! Avocados are actually classified as a fruit, are rich in monounsaturated fat that is easily burned for energy. Personally, I eat a
Canker sores, also known as mouth ulcers or aphthous ulcers, are disruptions of oral mucosa and can be extremely painful; it can be caused by
The Positive Side of Medicine