Develop A Leaner More Athletic Body With TRX Suspension Training

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Develop A Leaner More Athletic Body With TRX Suspension Training

Develop A Leaner More Athletic Body With TRX Suspension Training

This unique method of exercise was founded by a former Navy Seal; his goal was to create a total body workout using your own body weight! The level of intensity can be adjusted by the length of the TRX straps and movement. This is a perfect exercise for people with limited time and limited space also, ideal for those who are looking for more lean defined lines without using weights and bulking up!


TRX training utilizes your own body weight and gravity to build strength, balance, coordination, flexibility, core and joint stability! Also considered to be the most versatile peace of exercise equipment out there it can be used anywhere, by anyone at any level of fitness!

Check out the video below to be blown away by this revolutionary exercise:

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