There are times when life will slam a door in your face, or, you can be just wandering through life enjoying yourself, when suddenly the door shuts behind you. I have had enough closed doors, and indeed closed a few myself, and it is not the end. There is a window somewhere, it may be small, it may be partially hidden, but it is indeed there, and it is a brand new beginning. Just as life sometimes ends a chapter, so does a new one begin.
Every new opportunity owes its roots to the ending of something else, and that can be a beautiful life-changing event. Sometimes a person may have their whole life mapped out only to have it changed, irrevocably, by one event, and then, years later, by another event. A person can have as many beginnings as they need to find their own happiness. Every day is a chance to start fresh, making decisions that are better and smarter.
You may be heartbroken when a part of your life ends, but if you open your mind to the changes, you may find things you were not aware you were looking for. Sometimes life changes are temporary, like starting school, or a new job, or a new relationship, sometimes, due to death, divorce, moving, or losing a career is more permanent. Loss of a job is not the same as losing a career, although in this economy it can be quite devastating!
The things that change your life can be positive, such as a promotion, attaining your dream job, a new relationship, getting married, or having children. Negative changes can include death, divorce, ending a friendship or love relationship, cancer, a devastating accident, or fire. A surgery, job change, and many other things can go either way. The important thing is that positive growth can come from any change after you walk through a huge beautiful window or small, unassuming one.
Finding out that I could never again work as a nurse threw me for a loop, I had no idea what else I could do with my life that would make me feel as fulfilled emotionally, spiritually, mentally… and then I rediscovered writing, by a happy accident. I know that I am not physically well enough to work as a nurse, but writing a little here and there works out great with my new limited abilities. I have also found great peace, and my heart is content who who I am and where I am going, although all I know is the next step. I do not need to see the whole path to know I am on the right one.
Have faith in your own windows of opportunity, if they don’t hold joy for you then find another window that does. Doors do not close to bring you pain, even though their closing may hurt. Doors close because that part of your life is over, and it’s time to move through another window of joy and hope.
About the author:
MamaSteph has 2 kids by birth and several by love, she is a nurse and enjoys finding healthier ways to make comfort foods, gardening, enjoying nature, and living life to the fullest…For a list of her blogs please click here.